Friday, July 11, 2008

The Novelty in Reproduction

Reproduction and creation are not opposite functions, moreover, reproduction is a way of creation. The act of reproduction is often a confrontation between ways of knowing, between historical perspectives. From this confrontation comes recombination of memes, seed of new cultural perspectives. Reproduction constructs new conditions of existence for knowledge. It pose knowledge in new geographical, demographical, cultural and economic realities. And in this way alters its evolution. To which extent reproduction shows itself to the individual as a creative act? to answer this we have to address the criticality of the act of reproduction as perpetuated by the individual; is from this perspective where reproduction differentiates from the connotative adjective of creative acts. This criticality depends on quantitative and qualitative factors. With who or what are we confronting the reproduced object? how massive is our act of reproduction? the first question deserves a non trivial answer which may take account of biological analogies [1].

[1] See 'Sexual Symbols', entry made on the blog El tertuliadero.

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